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For my first script, I have made an animation tester tool. Use it to quickly test animation core concepts; Set a timeline range between fr1-24, create 'little' primtives, plug transform values into the UI, the viewport will automatically react/animate in a loop and also help you learn to visualize animation through the graph editor as you go.



(from the README.txt)

Future updates for the tool:

1. To sliders:

a) Value input box beside the slider.

b) Live updating of changing values on sliders while Maya viewport is playing.

c) Rotation and scale sliders.

d) If sliders are moved while a non-Little-Animator asset is selected, the script editor will ask use to select a Little Animator asset.

2. In adding new elements to UI:

a) Time range for quick input, limiting to 1-24 frames, so user does not have to use the timeline for playback.

b) Auto-loop playblack.

c) An uneditable graph editor preview that will reflect changing anim curves as sliders are moved.

d) More primitives.

e) Apply shaders, to differentiate between primitives.

f) Create a button to isolate to only Little Animator assets.

3. To UI design:

a) More appealing Image.

b) More space between columns.

c) Compose for a more spacious feeling UI.